Description of PitstopBASIS
The PitstopBASIS feeder is for giving animals an extra offer of mineral feed supplements, respecting that they are biological creatures with individual needs.
MicroFeeder PitstopBASIS is available in a model with a large mounting bracket that ensures long life of the feeder, and it has an in-build feed container with a volume of ca. 45 litres. It is for example mounted at a (semi) wall besides the water trough, thus not taking up any additional space.
The feeder is also available in a model with a small mounting bracket that makes it possible with mounting on a stanchion or fencing bars, both indoors and outdoors, for example in a pen. This version should maximally be filled with more than 15 kg / 10 litres of supplements.
PitstopGRAZING is a special PitstopBASIS version with a small suspension bracket, mounted on a post in the pasture, whereby the feeder is lifted from the ground and effectively prevents infection with bovine tuberculosis or other things from wild animals .
The feeder is made of thick, durable and solid HDPE plastic.
The lid with a one-hand operated snap lock opens to the supplements container. Filling is easy with a bucket or a sack.
The entire form, design and angles of the feeder, including the fodder flap and the top lid, make the feeder closed. The feeder gives thus a good protection of the supplements against rain and other water as well as pollution with dung, and it keeps the supplements fresh and appetizing.
The feeder comes with necessary bolts for mounting on a (half) wall.
One feeder can serve around 25 animals indoors or 50 animals outdoors. The feeding hole has a size that only allows one animal at a time. The intake of the free-choice mineral supplements is typically 50-150 gram per animal per day, with variation and dependent on the mineral supplement type and the size of the animals.
The feeder is suitable for animals without horns.
Used e.g. for mineral mixtures, sodium bicarbonate, fodder salt or other supplements that are suitable for being allocated ad libitum:
Strategy for use of the PitstopBASIS feeder
The PitstopBASIS feeder is meant for giving access to extra mineral feed supplements according free-choice principles. Animals are biological beings with individual metabolism and therefore have different needs. Provided that free-choice mineral feed supplements are used, they can to some extent regulate the intake to suit their needs. Examples of strategies for use of the feeder are outlined in the following table:
Strategy |
Requirements for grouping |
Mineral feed types |
Access to extra, high quality minerals for dairy cows during the critical period to ensure high immune status, productivity and health. |
Cows with the highest need will have the highest consumption, ie. most often cows in the critical transition period around calving. It is best that the target cows are grouped separately if the mineral supplements are expensive, eg. dry cows the last weeks prior to calving or fresh milkers at the start of the lactation. |
Close-up dry cows: For instance with content of natural selenium. Start-up lactating cows: For instance with content of yeast and organic micro-minerals. See a list of the most relevant feed additives here. |
Access for dairy cows to extra minerals to reduce economic losses due to diseases. |
Without importance. Cows with the highest need will have the highest consumption, ie. most often cows in the critical transition period around calving. |
For instance mineral supplements of the same type as used in the Total Mixed Ration. |
Access for dairy cows to basic minerals in herds that do not use complete feed mixers and which gives concentrates through milking robots or concentrate feeding stations. |
Without importance. Cows with the highest need will have the highest consumption, ie. most often cows in the critical transition period around calving. |
A mineral supplement whose composition matches the type of silage and the content of minerals in the basic feeds. |
Access for dairy cows to extra salt in periods with warm weather to reduce the risk for heat stress and collapse of the immune system. |
Without importance. Cows with the highest need will have the highest consumption, ie. most often cows in the critical transition period around calving. |
Salt. |
Access for dairy cows to extra buffer to avoid acidosis and associated diseases. |
Without importance. Cows with the highest need will have the highest consumption, ie. most often cows in the critical transition period around calving. |
Sodium bicarbonate. The rumination is very sensitive and for high yielding cows balancing on an edge due to a need for a high enegy concentration in their feed ration. Giving free access to buffer in the form of sodium bicarbonate can be relevant in periods with warm weather, feed change, or all the time. Cows do not eat more than they need to feel good as the taste of sodium bicarbonate is rather sharp. |
Access to free-choice mineral feed supplements for heifers, slaughter calves and suckler cows |
Usually housed in groups |
A mineral mixture suitable for ensures optimal growth, fertility and health for the specific group of animals is used. |
| | |
The allocation of minerals after the PitstopBASIS feeder concept is due to the effects associated with animal welfare, environment and resource economy. Free-choice supplementation is not a precise way and it cannot be hindered that cows eat of the minerals without needing them. However, free-choice supplementation will always be better than no supplementation, and practical observations shows a clear correlation between intake and need. Precise, individual and restricted extra mineral feed supplementation of dairy cows can be provided with the PitstopPLUS feeder.
Theoretical basis - dairy cows
It is well known that dairy cows’ feed intake is less than the requirements in the first app. 100 days after calving, also called the mobilization phase. Today, it is also widely acknowledged that the feed intake falls below needs already two-three weeks before calving, as the foetus grows exponentially up to calving while milk production starts and the cow's appetite decreases.
Dairy cows’ problem in the critical period is that they cannot eat enough of their feed ration, no matter how super-optimised it is and how good the fodder quality is. The ration is simply too filling, while cows’ desire for water and minerals doesn’t go down in the period, as the cows feel a need for these things and apparently can sense that it do them well.
It is a long part of the way okay that cows eat too little of their feed ration for a period because they are able to mobilise energy from their body, but it is not okay with regard to micro minerals and vitamins for which their body stores are extremely limited. Undersupply with micro minerals and vitamins is a major reason for the unwanted clinical and subclinical conditions with negative effects for the production, reproduction and health almost queuing up to be expressed in the critical period, resulting in large economic losses.
Clinical or subclinical outbreak of loss-causing conditions such as acidosis, digital dermatitis or retained placenta, will easily cost 20-25 per cent of the gross margin for the cow in the given lactation, and losses are of course bigger for cows that die.
In line with this, the performance and gross margin is lifted throughout the entire lactation for cows that are managed to go smoothly through the critical period.
Access to extra mineral supplements from a PitstopBASIS feeder ensures that cows can eat the minerals and vitamins they need according to their performance, despite a too low intake of the mixed feed ration.
Technichal details*
Height |
75 cm |
Hygiene regulations |
The plastic parts of the feeder is made of non-toxic materials in accordance with EU's food hygiene regulations. |
Width (from side to side) |
54 cm, respectively 58 cm for the model with small and large mounting bracket. |
Weight |
20 kg, respectively 45 kg for the model with small and large mounting bracket. |
Depth (from front to back) |
67 cm, respectively 118 cm for the model with small and large mounting bracket. |
Recycling |
It is possible to re-use all parts of the PitstopBASIS feeder. The plastic parts are marked with a recycling sign for correct sorting. |
Frost durability |
The PitstopBASIS feeder is frost durable so it is possible to let it stay outside during the winter. |
Applicability |
The mineral feeder is well tested and applicable for dairy cows and other livestock in free housing systems. |
| |
* For the PitstopGRAZING version, the information in the table applies as stated for a PitstopBASIS version with a small suspension bracket, as the post to mount it on must be taken into account.
Pitstop pics & clips
There's always space
PitstopBASIS is designed so that it takes up very little space, it does not reduce the capacity of the barn, and you can always find a suitable place in the barn where it is not in the way. An ideal location is, for example, at the end of a water trough.
Counteract heat stress
With PitstopBASIS, you can, for example, offer the cows extra salt and/or sodium bicarbonate ad libitum in a professional manner to counteract heat stress. Here, a PitstopBASIS is located on an outdoor collection area with a solid floor.
Minerals run down into the integrated feed trough as they are eaten
Minerals run down into the integrated feed trough as they are eaten, and most minerals are thus in the built-in feed container, protect against contamination
Critical period
80-90% of all disease incidences in dairy cattle herds occur during the critical period, and diseases are often associated with low immune status and undersupply of minerals.
Mounting on half wall
Half-walls like this are ideal for mounting of Pitstop feeders.
Free access
The cows have free access to eat additional minerals according to individual needs.
The intake is varying
The cows usually eat 50-100 grams per cow per day, depending on the mineral feed offered.
Strategy for use
The mineral feed allocation via the feed ration influence the optimal strategy for mineral feed allocation via Pitstop feeders.
Pitstop feeders provide savings
With Pitstop feeders, you can avoid over-supply of cows with minerals in middle and late lactation.
Oversupply is pollution
Oversupply with minerals such as zinc, copper, cobalt and manganese in mid and late lactation are excreted via the faeces and pollute the soil. In addition, it is a completely unnecessary cost. Using Pitstop feeders can prevent this.
Minimize heat stress
Free-choice mineral supplements offered in PitstopBASIS feeders should contain approximately one third salt, and can reduce heat stress.
Cows are individualists
Even among grouped cows, there are large differences in the individual cow's productivity, size, etc., and with access to extra minerals in Pitstop feeders, it is ensured that the cows can have their individual needs for minerals met.
For heifers grouped in pens
Mineral supplementaiton of heifers in group pens in optimal and labour-saving way with PitstopBASIS
Mounted on lattice with horizontal pipes
Mounted at steel trusses
French Normande cows looking at their new Pitstop feeder, mounted at steel trusses with small mounting brackets.
Close-up dry cows
The last 3 weeks before calving is called the CloseUp period, which is the start of the critical period of the lactation cycle. CloseUp dry cows should be given mineral feed, which is particularly suitable for ensuring a problem-free calving and start of a new lactation, for example through the addition of specific additives and adjustment of the cation-anion balance.
One-hand operated snap-lock
The top-lid has a one-hand operated snap lock.
Always fresh supplements
The mineral supplements slides via a feed funnel down into the eating trough along with the consumption. The supplements in the fodder trough is further protected by the front flap, which catches flying droppings and rainwater (if placed outside).
The supplements container has a volume of 45 liter
The Pitstop feeder has an inbuilt supplements-container with a volume of about 45 liter, meaning that it has a maximum capacity of up to 100 kg mineral supplements.
Top lid makes filling easy
The top lid of the feeder is here opened for filling.
One feeder serves about 25 cows
One feeder serves about 25 cows. More cows per feeder gives more unrest around the feeder, and makes it difficult for the lower ranking cows to get access.
The supply with micro minerals has a clear connection to production, health and reproduction.
Cows in the critical period eats less feed than they need and looses typically 10% of their body weight in that period. To compensate for that, they can mobilise energy from the body. However, micro minerals and vitamins that are required for many enzymes, hormones and body functions are not stored in the body. Insufficient intake of micro minerals and vitamins cause suppressed production and fertility, and increased frequency of diseases.
Buffer is effective in securing optimal rumen function
The mineral supplements the cows on this picure is eating holds 50% buffer, apart from salt and a variety of macro and micro minerals and vitamins. Buffer (sodium bicarbonate) is important for cows in the critial period in many high yielding herds, and it stabilises the rumen function.
Packing of PitstopBASIS feeders
PitstopBASIS feeders with large protection frame are stacked on pallets with 6 units per pallet. The pallet measures 130 cm x 110 cm x 200 cm (l x w x h) and weighs approx. 290 kg.
Lifted from the ground
A PitstopGRAZING feeder is lifted from the ground and the eating hole should be around 0.9 - 1 metre from the ground for adult cattle. It is thereby very unlikely that badgers or other wild animals will be able to enter or stick their head into the feeder.
Free-choice loose mineral feeds
We recommend using free-choice loose supplements, which are salt based and not sweet, and which therefore may not be attractive for wild animals at all.
Small mounting bracket
PitstopGRAZING comes per default with a small mounting bracket..
Cast-in fitting
If you wish to be able to move the feeder among paddocks, it is possible to cast-in a fitting for each paddock.
Mounting post
PitstopGRAZING comes with a 2-metres long mounting post in galvanised steel, which can be digged into the ground or casted into concrete.
Rainwater is led away
Pitstop mineral feeders are designed to prevents rainwater from getting inside, which would make the minerals form hard lumps. All external surfaces are inclined and the mineral feeders have a completely closed design that includes a front flap covering the eating hole.
Place PitstopGRAZING near the watering place
For easy refilling, place the feeder where you normally inspect the animals, and preferably near the watering place, as the animals typically like to drink water in combination with eating mineral feeds.
PitstopBASIS download materials
Instruction for mounting and use
The Instruction for mounting and use is included in the delivery as part of the mounting set with bolts etc.
Versions with small mounting bracket and large protective frame
Multilingual version
Adjustment of the tightness of the snap-lock
EN version
DE Version
DA version
You may of course also download pictures from above by opening them, right click and select download.
MicroFeeder A/S
Skødstrupbakken 64
DK-8541 Skødstrup
Other countries
Tel. +45 6141 5441
Main contact: Henning Lyngsø FOGED
Tel. +33 32 384 8089
Main contact: Alexandre DE CORDOÜE
Trouw Nutrition Deutschland GmbH
Gempfinger Straβe 15
D-86666 Burgheim
Tel. +49 (0)84 32 / 89 0
Main contact: Klaus DAUBINGER
Byfangstrasse 7
CH-3360 Herzogenbuchsee
Tel. +41 58 434 11 25
Main contact: Hansueli RÜEGSEGGER
Vilofarm A/S
Søagervej 9
9500 Hobro
Denmark, NO, SE, FI, EE, LV, LT
Tel. +45 9852 1144
Main contact: Michael Baden RØRHOLM
Bústólpi ehf.
600 Akureyri
Tel. +354 460 3350
Main contact: Hólmgeir KARLSSON
FinnLacto Oy
Tuottajantie 57
FI-60100 Seinäjoki
Tel. +358 6 4210 300
Main contact: Pasi NIEMI
Bernthal Eesti OÜ
Keskasula 25, Kuremaa
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Tel. +372 53400121
Main contact: Raul SOODLA
P. Lindberg Maskinforretning
Sdr. Ringvej 1
DK-6600 Vejen
Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden
Tel. +45 7696 2320
Main contact: Hans ROSENBERG
Agri Center Sverige AB
Korsholm 7057
SE-242 97 Hörby
Tel. +46 416-19625
Main contact: Tommy LÖFVENHAMN
11 rue de la Princesse Mathilde Brouchetière
54150 Val de Briey
Tel. +33 (0)3 82 33 46 10
Main contact: Eric HOELTGEN
B D Supplies Ltd.
Tinarra Tippermallo Road
PH1 3QL Perth Perthshire
Scotland, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 01738 842996
Main contact: Joanne DONALDSON
Farm24 OÜ
Pikk 37B, Ambla alevik, Järva vald
73502 Järvamaa
Estonia, Latvia, Finland
Main contact: Margus PORKVELI