Unique concept for economic supplementation of grazing livestock


free-choice supplementation

of grazing livestock




as well as



MineralRocker description


The supplement feeder has a self raising function. The feeder is always turning back to upright position, no matter how much the animals pushes it around. The feeder has a high front lip and does not spill its content of mineral feed, no matter how much it tilts and swirrels due to the animals' manipulation of it.

MineralRocker is made of strong PEHD plastic, and screws and bolt etc. is made of stainless steel. The self-raising function is due to a contra weight in the bottom, made og cast iron. The feeer does not requires any maintenance.

One feeder will serve about 50 animals.

The investment in a MineralRocker is for most herds returned after just 2-4 months if they shift from use of molassed minerals in buckets to granulated minerals given in a MIneralRocker. You can see for yourself by making a calculation with MineralCalculator. You have to be logged in for using MineralCalculator, and if you don't have a login, it's easy and quick to register here.


88 cm


77 cm


42 kg

Tops and colors

The tops for cattle and horses have eating holes, which are big enough for the heads of adult cattle and horses, even for most cattle breeds with horn like for instance Holstein Friesian (but not for cattle breeds with long horns, like Scottish Highlander and Horned Hereford).

We can from day-to-day deliver tops for the mineral feeders in the standard colors green and blue. We can deliver the tops in other colours according your wish, but you must in that case expect longer delivery time and possibly a higher price.

The top provides an efficient protection of the minerals against contamination with manure, urine and rainwater.

Can be delivered with a loop / u-bolt on the top to ease moving between fences.


The pictures shows the bottom as it looks upon delivery. The bottoms ensures a self raising fucntion due to the in-built contra weight.

The plastic plate, attached with a bolt in the centre, provides for good feed hygiene.

Assembling with the top is very easy.

Capacity: 50 kg.

Hygiene regulations

The plastic parts of the feeder is made of non-toxic materials in accordance with EU's food hygiene regulations.


It is possible to re-use all parts of the MineralRocker. The plastic parts are marked with a recycling sign for correct sorting.

Frost durability

The MineralRocker is frost durable so it is possible to let it stand outside during the winter.

Colour protection

The colours of the plastic of the MineralRocker is protected by a UV filter in order to reduce bleaching.


The mineral feeder is well tested and applicable for the following types of livestock:

  • Grazing heifers of dairy breed
  • Grazing dairy cows
  • Grazing beef cattle
  • Grazing horses
  • Other animals, such as camels and lamas


A practical trial showed 30% higher daily gain as an effect of offering 136 dairy heifers granulated minerals from MineralRockers during a grazing season, compared to a similar control group of 125 dairy heifers that were not offered mineral supplementation. Click here to read more about the trial.

MineralRocker gallery

Dairy cattle
Beef cattle
MineralRocker packing
MineralRocker is stacked with parts for 10 units per pallet, divided into a stack with tops and a stack with bottoms. Assembly sets are attached to the bottoms. The pallet takes up 160 cm x 80 cm x approx. 160 cm (l x w x h) and weighs approx. 420 kg.
Capacity of 50 kg
The mineral feeder has a capacity of 50 kg minerals (version with cast iron under plastic plate in the bottom) and this is convenient if it is used for large flocks of cattle.
Ensures selenium supply
Free access to a mineral supplement with the maximally allowed selenium content, offered in a mineral feeder, will normally be a safe and trustworthy precausion to prevent selenium deficiencies.
Loop on top
It is possible to mount a loop on the top of the mineral feeder to ease moving of it by help of a front loader or alike; the method is tested in practice, but it happens on own risks, though.
For grazing livestock
Grazing is natural for cattle and has traditionally been a basic production practice in order to ensure healthy and productive cattle.
Salt regulates the intake
Molassed minerals contains typically less than 50% mineral salts, but costs normally twice as much as granulated minerals. It is therefore all together four times as expensive to use molassed minerals rather than granulated minerals offered in a mineral feeder.
High productivity require supplementation
Heifers of milking breed must have a high daily gain to achieve a desired weight in calving, and this places great demands on an optimal mineral supply.
Extra minerals to heiftes
It is a good idea to offer extra minerals to heifers.
Protects agains rainwater
The feeders shows their full potential in periods with precipitation due to their ability to protect the supplements. The supplements are of vital importance to the livestock in the autumn, winter and spring, where there are no or only little grass growth.
Summer, grass and MineralRocker
Heifers enjoying summer on grass with a MineralRocker.
Available in many countries
Some of our partners sells the supplement feeders in other countries via their foreign affiliates or partners.
MineralRocker and Simmentaler
This MineralRocker was for more than 10 years used in a Simmentaler breeding herd.
Satisfied user
This German, organic beef cattle breeder likes his MineralRockers - earlier he had some open homemade tubs that cause the m inerals to clutter up due to rain and to be polluted with manure droppings
Optimal, easy and cheap supplementation
The MineralRocker makes it possible to supplement the horses in an easy way and with granulated mienrakls that are far cheaper than typical supplements for horses.
The farm has 8 feeders
From a crossbreed herd of Fleckvieh, Charolais and Angus in an organic farmed beef production. The farm has eight MineralRockers.
Camels also need minerals
Kamelfarm Marquard is aware, that a sufficient mineral supply is a pre-condition for the health and well-being of their camels. The farm has therefore taken six #MineralRockers into use so their camles can eat the minerals they need according the free-choice principle.
Suitable for camels
Camels with #MineralRocker: Kamelfarm Marquard in Lower Saxony (Hiddinger Str.48 27374 Hiddingen Tel: 04262 /8631 od 0171/ 52 52 487 has about 40 animals of the camelid family, such as Bactrian camels, lamas and dromedars. Visitors can see the animals, ride on them or even rent them.
12th season
‪#‎MicroFeeder‬ ‪#‎MineralRocker‬ from ‪#‎enAgro‬ used in a ‪#‎PolledHereford‬ herd. The MineralRocker on the photo is used for the 12th season! ‪#‎Hereford‬ is one of the worlds oldest and most numerous cattle breeds. It originates from County of Herefordshire in England. Its history can be traced back to the beginning of the 17th century. Exports began in 1817, and there are today more than 5 million pedigree Hereford cattle in more than 50 countries. Polled Hereford is a strain of the traditional Hereford. Systematic breeding with the Polled Hereford began in 1889 in Iowa, USA. Polled Herefords are now more numerous in for instance Denmark, than the traditional, horned Hereford.
For steers
The MineralRocker is here used in a steer finishing unit with runyard.
Also for use in runyards
The MineralRocker is specially suitable in runyards.
The families Jost and Iseli at Hof Neuholz in Jegenstorf near Bern has since 2003 used a MineralRocker for giving their dairy cows free access to extra mineral supplements during grazing at night.
Looks good on the field
Frank Pedersen, Riisgaard, Kjellerup says: 'My neighbour complained about the look of the homemade tubs I had standing on the field and asked me to remove that 'waste'. We then got MineralRockers to supplement our grazing cattle with minerals. MicroFeeders falls with their green colour well into the landscape, and the good aesthetic impression emphasize that we take good care of our animals and maintains a good order on our farm. MineralRockers work significantly better than homemade tubs, and it's an extra advantage that they easily can be moved by lifting them in the mounted loop on the top.' Frank Pedersen has 140 dairy cows of Danish Holstein breed plus heifers and calves.
Grazing heifers
The nice, warm summertime and the special cosy atmosphere on a warm summer-meadow with grazing heifers.
The loop is practical
The loop doesn't bother the animals - here Jersey heifers.
U-bolt ease movings
It has since 2009 been possible to get the MineralRocker with a u-bolt for mounting on the top in order to ease movings.
Satisfied farmers
Geir Jone Pollestad, Salte samdrift, is glad for his mineral feeder.
Increases awareness
MicroFeeders introduction on the Norwegian market in 2002 increased the awareness of the importance of mineral supplementation to grazing livestock - here heifers and dry cows of the Norsk Rødt Fe breed.
Green is popular
The version with green top is the most popular.
Cast iron as counterweight
A glance of the bottoms of the mineral feeders with cast iron as contra weight.
Well proven concept
MineralRocker No. 5000 in Denmark is delivered to a dairy farmer.
A pride on the field
The MineralRocker in a typical English landscape.
Refill often
Don't fill in more minerals than the use within a weeks time and only refill with fresh minerals when the feeder is entirely empty; fresh minerals ensures an optimal intake.
Suitable for various horse breeds
Horses (here Icelandic and Shire horses) eats minerals from the feeder.
Possible to tether
The mineral feeders will slide away from its placed position by the manipulation of the animals if it is placed on sloping terrain. There is, however, developed a method for tethering of the feeder with a normal chain and teathering pole.
Available in blue and green
Colours is a question of taste! The standard colours of the mineral feeder are blue and green - here shown in blue.
Use with fre-choice minerals
The flavor of the mineral supplement is important - the optimal is mineral supplements with a good normal palatability and without any artificial flavors.
High intake and low costs
Practice has documented that the intake of minerals is 4-6 times higher when it happens in the form of granulated minerals as compared to molassed minerals; this has of course a positive effect on the production results.
Granulated minerals are best
Access to granulated minerals in the summer time has in a Swedish trial shown considerable positive effects on reproduction traits, compared with a control group that were offered minerals in the form of lick stones.
Optimal for horses
Use of the mineral feeder for horses is an optimal alternative to older and more traditional methods.
Proven effect
Access to granulated minerals from a mineral feeder has for dairy heifers in practical trials shown an effect of 30% increased daily gain.
Protects the minerals
The mineral feeder gives a very good protection against rain water and ensures that the minerals are protected from contamination with manure and urine; this makes it possible to use the optimaltype of minerals, namely granulated minerals.
Self raising effect
The Mineral Rocker is 88 cm high and 78 cm in diameter, and it has a weight of app. 39 kilo. The weighted bottom gives a self raising effect.

Karensminde is an organic dairy herd with 150 Danish Holstein cows and as many young animals. In the summer, all the animals are grazing, and the mineral supply is secured with three MineralRockers.

Free-choice supplementation

...of grazing livestock is physiologically the optimal way of ensuring various types of grazing livestock, including cattle, sheep and horses have access to eat mineral supplements in accordance with their needs. It is also by far the cheapest way, when comparing to the high price of molassed minerals. A content of about one third salt in the free-choice mineral supplements ensures the animals neither eat too little or too much of it.

MineralRocker downloads

Product card

The product card is meant for a quick introduction, and it holds the most important facts and information about the feeder.

EN version DE Version DA version EE version LV version LT version PL version CZ version

Instruction for use

The instruction for use is included as part of the assembly set that follows each feeder.

  Multilingual version

You may of course also download pictures from above by opening them, right click and select download.

MineralRocker distributors

MicroFeeder A/S

Skødstrupbakken 64 DK-8541 Skødstrup Other countries Tel. +45 6141 5441 Main contact: Henning Lyngsø FOGED

DLG Amba

Ballesvej 2 DK-7000 Fredericia Denmark Tel. +45 3368 5600 Main contact: Dorthe Truelsen NØRGAARD

Vilomix Norway AS

Hensmoveien 30 N-3516 Hønefoss Norway Tel. +47 3214 0100 Main contact: Helle BAKKEN

Lantmännen ek för

Fack 950063 R 059  106 54  Stockholm Sweden Tel. 0771-111 222, Knappval 1 och 1 Main contact: Fråga på art. 401243/Mineral Vicke

J. Stöfen GmbH

Bahnhofstraße 15 25764 Wesselburen Deutschland Tel. (04833) 88 - 0 Main contact: Bernd DÜHRSEN


CSP France, TALHOUET SAINT NOLFF, BP 60518 FR-56017 VANNES CEDEX France Tel. +33 32 384 8089 Main contact: Alexandre DE CORDOÜE

Trouw Nutrition Deutschland GmbH

Gempfinger Straβe 15 D-86666 Burgheim Germany Tel. +49 (0)84 32 / 89 0 Main contact: Klaus DAUBINGER

AS Dimedium

Roheline 9 EE-61410 Tähtvere, Tartu Estonia Tel. +372 739 0696 Main contact: Arne TUHKUR


Byfangstrasse 7 CH-3360 Herzogenbuchsee Switzerland Tel. +41 58 434 11 25 Main contact: Hansueli RÜEGSEGGER

Trede & von Pein GmbH

Rudolf-Diesel-Straβe 2-4 DE-25524 Itzehoe Germany Tel. +49 (4821) 6000-0 Main contact: Torsten ROSBURG

Vilofarm A/S

Søagervej 9 9500 Hobro Denmark, NO, SE, FI, EE, LV, LT Tel. +45 9852 1144 Main contact: Michael Baden RØRHOLM

ALM centrum s.r.o.

Dubovsko 277 763 12 Vizovice Czech Republic Tel. +420 606 255 251 Main contact: Pavel KRIEGLER

Bústólpi ehf.

Oddeyrartanga 600 Akureyri Iceland Tel. +354 460 3350 Main contact: Hólmgeir KARLSSON

FinnLacto Oy

Tuottajantie 57 FI-60100 Seinäjoki Finland Tel. +358 6 4210 300 Main contact: Pasi NIEMI

Willab AB

Hålarpsvägen 15 SE-269 62 GREVIE Sweden Tel. +46 (0)431 44 59 00 Main contact: Johan TAGESON

Bernthal Eesti OÜ

Keskasula 25, Kuremaa EE-48445 Jõgeva vald Estonia Tel. +372 53400121 mailto: Main contact: Raul SOODLA

P. Lindberg Maskinforretning

Sdr. Ringvej 1 DK-6600 Vejen Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden Tel. +45 7696 2320 Main contact: Hans ROSENBERG

Hankkija Oy

Peltokuumolantie 4, PL 390 FI-05801 HYVINKÄÄ Finland Tel. +358 10 02 7901 Main contact: Jani KAUTTO

KRONI AG Mineralstoffe

Bafflesstr. 5 CH-9450 Altstätten Switzerland Tel. +41 71 757 60 60 Main contact: Thomas DIETSCHE

Agri Center Sverige AB

Korsholm 7057 SE-242 97 Hörby Sweden Tel. +46 416-19625 Main contact: Tommy LÖFVENHAMN


La Chardronnais FR-35680 Louvigné de Bais France Tel. +33 6 42 30 50 16 Main contact: Christophe TANGUY


11 rue de la Princesse Mathilde Brouchetière 54150 Val de Briey France Tel. +33 (0)3 82 33 46 10 Main contact: Eric HOELTGEN

Aachtal Futter AG

Bahnhofstr. 8 8586 Erlen Switzerland Tel. +41 71 649 10 48 Main contact: Andreas PREISIG


Agro Food Park 12 8200 Århus N Denmark Tel. + 45 5151 5890 Main contact: Grethe FABRICIUS

HH Care ApS

Sejrupvej 77 7323 Give Denmark Tel. +45 7026 3009 Main contact: Gert KRISTENSEN


Rue de la devèze grande, Parc d’activités 12740 LIOUJAS France Tel. +33 06 8327 9999 Main contact: Mathilde CHASSAING-TRAPY


42, Parc d'Activités Gogal Sud 56920  SAINT GONNERY France Tel. +33 02 97 38 48 01 Main contact: Fabien MAITREPIERRE

Saure Maschinenbau

Im Diemeltal 10 34508 Willingen Hemmighausen Deutschland Tel. +491732909630 Main contact: Sven SAURE

Westernworld Weide & Stalltechnik

Am Lugrain 9 63679 Schotten-Michelbach Deutschland Tel. +49 0160-94697369 Main contact: Daniel VIERHELLER

Groupe Pilardière

2 La Pilardière FR85590 St Mars la Réorthe France Tel. +33 (0)2 51 57 31 02 Main contact: Laurianne SERIN

Farm24 OÜ

Pikk 37B, Ambla alevik, Järva vald 73502  Järvamaa Estonia, Latvia, Finland Tel. Main contact: Margus PORKVELI

Lantmännen Agro Oy

Jaakonkatu 2 FI-01620 Vaantaa Finland Tel. +35 820 770 88 70 Main contact: Päivi VOLANTO

Sa. Alliance Nutrition Animale

Route de Lucheux Za La Fourche 80600 Doullens France Tel. +33 6 86 48 24 22 Main contact: Elodie WEISSENBACHER

Fa. SwTec Stall & Weidetechnik Gmb

Himmelreich 2 D-88639  Wald Deutschland Tel. +49 7578 9106 Main contact: Hans- Joachim STRAUB
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