Anders Larsson is a dairy farmer in southern Sweden, and runs a herd of approx. 70 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows + young stock. The cows are milked with a Lely robot. In Sweden, cattle farms are obliged to use grazing, in southern Sweden a minimum of 4 months, and this probably contributes to the fact that you see more animals on grass in Sweden than in, for example, Denmark.

After seeing the CombiFeeder at Borgeby Fältdagar in June, Anders Larsson acquired one to replace an 8-year-old and worn out BasisFeeder. In short, he is very satisfied with the CombiFeeder, and it works exactly as intended, including the ability to keep the minerals protected from rain and dirt, and of course to avoid spillage. Anders Larsson wants to use granulated mineral feed, as he does not trust that the animals will get enough minerals when using molasses minerals, especially not that all animals will have their needs for minerals covered in this way, and furthermore the molasses minerals are more expensive to use.

The CombiFeeder was delivered in a jute bag and assembly was easy and hassle free. Anders Larsson emphasizes that the CombiFeeder is easy to handle due to the built-in handles in the troughs, and the feeder is easy to fill with minerals. He noticed that his animals wanted to push the rubber cover down into the troughs and therefore installed boards to prevent this. Due to the wooden post, the feeder stays solidly on the ground, i.e. the animals have not been able to tip it around and waste the minerals.

All in all, Anders Larsson is very satisfied with his CombiFeeder and does not hesitate to recommend it to others.

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