Already at 20ºC and a humidity of 90%, the first signs of heat stress can be seen in the dairy cows, which i.a. means decreased feed intake, decreased milk yield and fat percentage, decreased fertility, and higher cell counts.

Some of the most important measures to counteract heat stress include ensuring the cows get enough sodium, and sources of this can be both fodder salt and sodium bicarbonate. You can allocate fodder salt and sodium bicarbonate through the TMR. A smarter way, however, is to let the cows themselves eat the extra amount they need, since they can unconsciously sense that they need more sodium and therefore look for sodium cotaining feed they can eat.

By allocating fodder salt and /or sodium bicarbonate via PitstopBASIS feeders, an overdose is avoided, as the need for extra sodium varies from cow to cow. It is not because fodder salt or sodium bicarbonate is particularly expensive, but the problem is that it can affect the metabolic balance and for instance cause lack of other minerals. At the same time, PitstopBASIS ensures a hygienic allocation method rather than placing a trough on the barn floor which the cows invariably contaminate with manure and urine.

By placing a PitstopBASIS feeder near a water trough, you give the cows optimal opportunities to "kill two birds with one stone", as plenty of water is also an important measure to counteract heat stress

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